Throughout the Middle Ages, the pious Christian was constantly preoccupied with both the death of the earthly body and the subsequent survival of the soul. The fear of dying suddenly without repenting and confessing engendered images of death and the afterlife. Speakers in this session are encouraged to investigate late medieval representations of death as both an earthly and otherworldly matter. We welcome papers that explore the flourishing of these imageries especially in rural and marginal areas, which were extremely receptive to cultural exchanges, but which have not received proper scholarly investigation yet.
The Erie Art Museum show is going on right now! Visit from August 6 – February 6.
Join us August 23-28 for the CLEVELAND WALLS! International mural program, which includes free family-friendly activities, performances and artist talks, in addition to 20 public murals that will be created during the event. CWRU students Jessica Long and Lauryn Smith worked throughout summer on the week-long public art festival as part of the Keithley Fellowship in Community Engaged Art History with LAND studio.
When she was younger, Lauryn Smith used to get into spirited debates with her grandfather over Martin Luther and other topics relating to the Protestant Reformation. It’s very fitting that she now specializes in that time period.
Please visit The Daily to read more about Lauryn Smith.
Congratulations to Prof. Gertsman whose newest book, The Absent Image: Lacunae in Medieval Books, was just published by Penn State Press! The book was made possible by the American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship and the Millard Meiss Publication Grant from the College Art Association as well as by support from her friends, colleagues, and students at CWRU and the CMA.
At long last, the CMA is opened for small special tours, and the first such tour was offered by Dr. Gerhard Lutz to CWRU medievalists, who convened today at the Treasures from Münster Cathedral. The extraordinary collection of reliquaries is on display through 8/14/2022 and will form an integral part of the next course in the Global Middle Ages series, which will be co-taught by Prof. Gertsman and Dr. McCormick next spring.