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The Now of the Rose

Join us on October 20 for the virtual colloquium sponsored by the Center for Medieval Studies, Fordham University, with the participation of Les Enluminures. Specialists in medieval art and literature--Elina Gertsman, Sandra Hindman, Meradith McMunn, Christine McWebb, Jonathan Morton, Stephen G. Nichols, and Melanie Garcia Sympson--will hold a series...

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Announcing The Absent Image: Lacunae in Medieval Books

Congratulations to Prof. Gertsman whose newest book, The Absent Image: Lacunae in Medieval Books, was just published by Penn State Press! The book was made possible by the American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship and the Millard Meiss Publication Grant from the College Art Association as well as by support from her friends, colleagues, and students at CWRU and the CMA.

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Medievalists reconvene at the CMA

At long last, the CMA is opened for small special tours, and the first such tour was offered by Dr. Gerhard Lutz to CWRU medievalists, who convened today at the Treasures from Münster Cathedral. The extraordinary collection of reliquaries is on display through 8/14/2022 and will form an integral part of the next course in the Global Middle Ages series, which will be co-taught by Prof. Gertsman and Dr. McCormick next spring.

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Professor Elina Gertsman to join l’École des hautes études en sciences sociales in Paris as the professeure invitée

Congratulations to Professor Elina Gertsman who will be the professeure invitée at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales in Paris in 2022 and 2023! Each year, EHESS invites outstanding researchers from around the world to give talks and seminars in Paris within the framework of international scholarly...

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Elina Gertsman recieves Baker-Nord Center Award for Distinguished Scholarship in the Humanities

The Baker-Nord Center for the Humanities has announced that the recipient of its 2020-21 Award for Distinguished Scholarship in the Humanities is Elina Gertsman, the Archbishop Paul J. Hallinan Professor in Catholic Studies II and Professor of Art History.  The award recognizes outstanding achievement in a field of humanistic scholarship. ...

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Playing with ivory

Prof. Gertsman is delighted to announce the publication of her article, “Playthings: Ivory on Ivory” in Games and Visual Culture in the Middle Ages, edited by Elizabeth Lapina & Vanina Kopp. The article features two Cleveland objects, the celebrated ivory mirror (1940.1200) and the ivory casket with the scenes of romances (1978.39.b). To learn more about the book, click here. To get a copy of the article, please email Prof. Gertsman directly.

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