Article I: Name of the Organization
The name of the organization shall be the Graduate Art History Association of Case Western Reserve University, hereafter referred to as G.A.H.A.
Article II: Purpose
To promote the scholarship of art history by facilitating relationships among art history graduate students, the art history faculty, the campus community and University Circle Institutions. The GAHA is separate from the Cleveland Symposium Committee although both groups will have an overlap in constituencies.
Article III: Membership
All full-time or part-time graduate students within the Department of Art History at Case Western Reserve University are members of G.A.H.A with voting privileges. These graduate students must be recognized by the Art History Department and by the registrar as actively enrolled in the program. The G.A.H.A. shall abide by the University’s non-discrimination policy and therefore, will not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, age, sex, disability, color, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, political affiliation, or status as a disabled veteran or veteran of the Vietnam era.
Article IV: Administration
4.1 Officers
a. The officers of G.A.H.A. shall compose an Executive Committee of not more than three co-chairs, a secretary, and a treasurer
b. An officer may not hold another chair position within the G.A.H.A. unless there are no parties interested in taking on the position.
c. It is preferable that one co-chair be enrolled as a Phd candidate and the other co-chair enrolled as a masters candidate. In the case that these preferences cannot be met, two masters or two Phd students may take on the position.
d. One co-chair will be designated as the contact between G.A.H.A., the Graduate Student Senate and University Administration. This is a position separate from that of the Department selected Senate Representative.
e. G.A.H.A. officers shall be elected annually by membership as set forth in the bylaws
f. G.A.H.A. officers shall perform the duties as specified in the bylaws
4.2 General Powers
The Executive Committee will have the general power to control and manage the programs and administrative functions of G.A.H.A. The Executive Committee will hereby determine committee and sub-committee goals at the first meeting of the academic school year.
Article V: Organization Meetings
Meetings shall be conducted in a manner agreed upon by the executive committee. They may at any time invoke Robert’s Rules of Order
5.1 General G.A.H.A. Meetings
It is intended that general G.A.H.A. meetings shall be held each month of the academic semester. The executive committee has the power to designate portions of the general meeting open or closed to the faculty. The subcommittees shall meet once a month during the academic semester and additional times when necessary. The Executive Committee shall meet with the Faculty Advisor once a month during the academic semester and additional times when necessary.
5.2 Special G.A.H.A Meetings
The G.A.H.A. Executive Committee shall have the ability to call special meetings, in addition to regular meetings, as deemed necessary.
5.3 Executive Committee Meetings
The executive committee once a month and reserve the right to meet more often as necessary. The meetings will be open although portions may be designated as closed by the committee. They will be conducted as agreed upon by the committee. They may at any time invoke Robert’s Rules of Order. The minutes from these meetings will be made public at the General Meeting of the GAHA.
Article VI: Bylaws and Amendments
6.1 Bylaws conforming to this constitution shall be adopted by G.A.H.A.
as approved by a majority of G.A.H.A. members at the last meeting of the academic year after the circulation for review of the Constitution to the members
6.2 Amendments to the Constitution will be reviewed by members of G.A.H.A. and require a majority approval by the members. Any amendment that receives approval shall become effective immediately or as specified by the members.
6.3 This constitution will be made available for all members upon request
6.4 The constitution and by-laws will be reviewed and amended if necessary in the Spring of the academic year.
Article I: Officers
1.1 Executive Committee: To compose the Executive Committee, G.A.H.A. will elect from its members the following officers, by a majority vote at the last general meeting: Not more than three co-chairs, secretary, and treasurer.
a. In the event that an officer resigns or is removed, then the Executive
Committee may appoint an interim replacement until the next general G.A.H.A. meeting at which time a replacement will be elected by a majority vote to serve the remainder of the term.
b. General Duties of the Officers include establishing G.A.H.A. goals and
implementing specific actions on the directives of the G.A.H.A. members as well as communicating these directives, goals and actions to G.A.H.A. members and Art History Department faculty.
1.2 Meetings of the executive committee shall be open according to Roberts Rules
of Order. As such when sensitive issues are discussed the committee reserves the right to designate a closed session. The minutes from this meeting will be made available at the general meeting of the G.A.H.A.
1.3 Duties of the Co-Chairs
a. Call, establish agenda for, and preside over general and special G.A.H.A.
b. Serve as primary spokespersons for G.A.H.A.
c. Coordinate subcommittee efforts and appoint committee chairpersons
d. Act as the primary liaison between G.A.H.A., the Graduate Student
Senate and University Administrations. This is a function separate from that of
the Department selected Senate representative.
e. Act as ex-officio members of subcommittees
f. Attend all G.A.H.A. general and special meetings
g. Responsible for initiating and presiding over elections
1.4 Duties of Secretary
a. Taking, typing, and distributing the minutes of every G.A.H.A. general
and special meeting
b. Keeping a file of all meeting minutes
c. Managing and updating the G.A.H.A. archives
d. Assist in G.A.H.A. elections
e. Promote G.A.H.A. activities through the Graduate Student Senate
f. Serve on the G.A.H.A Executive Committee and attend every G.A.H.A.
general and special meetings
1.5 Duties of the Treasurer
a. Create a budget for G.A.H.A. in consultation with the Executive Committee and faculty advisor for the academic school year
b. Complete necessary funding applications throughout the academic year in
consultation with the executive committee and faculty advisor.
c. Maintain G.A.H.A financial records and provide a written report on the
financial status of the association on a regular basis
d. Arrange for the disbursement of G.A.H.A. funds
e. Ensure that funds are not encumbered beyond which was approved by the
Executive Committee
f. Serve on the G.A.H.A. Executive Committee and attend all general and
special meetings
1.6 Termination of Officers
a. An officer may be terminated if he or she has:
a. Failed to fulfill the duties specified in these bylaws
b. Failed to maintain an active registered status
c. Violated the standards outlined in the University Policies and Regulations
b. Any declaration of termination requires a majority vote among the Executive Committee
c. The interim replacement for a terminated officer shall be appointed according to article 1.1a of these bylaws
Article II: Faculty Advisor
2.1 Responsibilities of the G.A.H.A. faculty advisor shall include but not be
limited to:
a. Serving as advisor to the Executive Committee in all pertinent issues
b. Review and oversight of the budget
c. Meet with the Executive Committee on a monthly basis when possible
d. Work with G.A.H.A. on an annual basis to review, and if necessary revise, these bylaws
e. Work with the Executive Committee to select Appointed Committee Representatives
f. Attend all general meetings and special meetings when deemed necessary
Article III. Elected Committee Representatives
3.1 Social and Service Events (SSE) Chairperson
Duties include but are not limited to:
a. Attend all G.A.H.A. general meetings and report on the activities of the committee
b. Schedule and conduct the meetings of the SSE committee once a month or more if necessary
c. Plan activities that focus on serving the community and strengthening relationships between graduate students, the campus community and faculty
d. The committee should schedule at least one event per month during the academic school year
e. The chairperson shall report to a designated member of the Executive Committee the minutes for all meetings of the committee and decisions regarding scheduling within 48 hours of the meetings conclusion so they may be added to the master calendar
f. The chairperson shall submit a report to the executive committee via email 24 hours prior to any general meeting of the G.A.H.A.
g. Notify the Executive Committee of all SSE meetings
3.2 Scholarship and Cultural Development (SCD) Chairperson
Duties included but are not limited to:
a. Attend all G.A.H.A. general meetings and report on the activities of the committee
b. Schedule and conduct the meetings of the SCD committee once a month or more if necessary
c. Plan activities that focus on promoting and strengthening art history scholarship and exposing students to new arts and cultural experiences
d. The committee shall schedule at least one event per month during the academic school year
e. The committee should report to a designated member of the Executive Committee the minutes for all meetings of the committee and decisions regarding scheduling within 48 hours of the meeting’s conclusion so they may be added to the master calendar
h. The chairperson shall submit a report to the executive committee via email 24 hours prior to any general meeting of the G.A.H.A.
f. Notify the Executive Committee of all SCD meetings
3.3 Alumni Relations and Professional Development (ARPD) Chairperson
Duties include but are not limited to:
a. Attend all G.A.H.A. general meetings and report on the activities of the committee
b. Schedule and conduct the meetings of the ARPD committee once a month or more if necessary
c. Plan activities that focus on strengthening relations between the graduate student body and the graduate program alumni and programming that develops graduate student skills. This group is encouraged to use existing services on campus.
d. The committee should schedule at least one alumni event per year and one professional development event per month during the academic year
e. The chairperson shall report to a designated member of the Executive Committee the minutes for all meetings of the committee and decisions regarding scheduling within 48 hours of the meeting’s conclusion so they may be added to the master calendar
i. The chairperson shall submit a report to the executive committee via email 24 hours prior to any general meeting of the G.A.H.A.
f. Notify the Executive Committee of all ARPD meetings
Article IV: Appointed Committee Chairpersons
All positions are pending approval from the appropriate sources.
4.1 Student Representatives to the Department Search Committee
To be eligible for this position a student must have completed one semester of course work at Case Western Reserve University. The representative will serve on this committee with a designated member of the executive committee. The specific goals of this position may change from year to year depending upon the current search being undertaken.
Duties include but are not limited to:
a. Bringing concerns, issues, and priorities of the students to the Search
Committee meetings
b. Communicate the decisions of the Search Committee to the student body when
c. Solicit student input throughout the search process
d. Be available to attend all search committee meetings that are deemed open
e. sessions.
f. Must attend all G.A.H.A. general meetings and report on the committee’s
g. In consultation with the committee develop a means of gathering student opinion
on the lectures delivered by final candidates
4.2 Student Representative to the Case Western Reserve University and
Cleveland Museum of Art Collaborative Committee
The representative will serve on this committee with a designated member of the executive committee. To be eligible for this position a student must complete one semester of coursework at Case Western Reserve University. The student representative will act as liaison between the Art History graduate student body and the CWRU-CMA committee.
Duties include but are not limited to:
a. Bring student issues and concerns to the attentions of the CWRU-CMA Committee
b. Communicate the decisions of the CWRU-CMA Committee to the student body at the general G.A.H.A. meetings
c. Report on G.A.H.A. activities at the CWRU-CMA Committee meetings
d. Identify, develop, and implement student led initiatives to strengthen the relationship between CWRU and CMA
e. Solicit student input
f. Must attend all possible CWRU-CMA Committee meetings
g. Must attend all G.A.H.A. meetings and update members on any progress
4.3 Student Representatives to the Department of Art History and Art Faculty
The representative will serve on this committee with a designated member of the executive committee. To be eligible for this position a student must complete one semester of coursework at Case Western Reserve University. The student representative will act as a liaison between the Art History graduate student body and the Department of Art History and Art.
Duties include but are not limited to:
a. Report on G.A.H.A. activities at the monthly faculty meetings
b. Bring issues and concerns of the students to the attention of the faculty
c. Communicate the decisions of the faculty to the student body at the general G.A.H.A. meetings
d. Solicit student opinion
e. Identify, develop and implement student led initiatives to strengthen the Art History graduate programs
f. Attend all possible faculty meetings
g. Attend all general G.A.H.A. meetings
4.4 Student Coordinator of Undergraduate Relations
This position may be shared by two appointed students.
Duties include but are not limited to:
a. Attend all G.A.H.A. general meetings and report on progress
b. Attend all open meetings of the Undergraduate art history club meetings
c. Serve as the primary liaison between G.A.H.A and the undergraduate art history club
d. In consultation with the faculty advisor, assist in the development and coordination of graduate/undergraduate mentor program
e. Solicit and implement new initiatives to improve student relationships
f. Inform a designated member of the executive committee regarding scheduling decision so they may be added to the master calendar
Article V: Nomination of New Officers
5.1 Eligibility for Nomination
a. Members of G.A.H.A., as defined in Article III of the Constitution, who have not previously been members of the Executive Committee are eligible for nomination to the positions of co-chairs (3), secretary, and treasurer, only if they have completed at least one semester of coursework before assuming office.
b. Any individual nominated for a position must be eligible under Article III of the Constitution for an elected term of one year beginning on the last day of classes in May.
5.2 Nomination Process
a. The Executive Committee shall implement the nomination and election process to begin the first week of March.
b. All G.A.H.A. members will receive a call for nomination form on their Ingall’s Library shelf or via e-mail during the first week of March. Members will be asked to nominate candidates for each position of the Executive Committee and self-nominations will be accepted. The nomination forms shall be returned to the Executive Committee in no more than ten (10) days from its distribution or by specified date.
c. All eligible members receiving nominations and confirming intent to run will be included on the ballot. The Executive Committee shall confirm the eligibility of all nominees. The Executive Committee shall contact the nominees to confirm intent to run through he following process:
5.3 Confirming Intent of Nominees
a. The nomination form will state the dates the Executive Committee will contact the nominees to confirm their intent to run.
b. The Executive Committee shall contact each nominee to inform him/her of the nomination and the other candidates nominate. The nominee will have a maximum of twenty-four (24) hours after notification to contact the election committee with a response.
c. In the event that a member is nominated for more than one position, he/she has the option to accept or decline any of the nominations, but can only accept one nomination.
d. A final roster of candidates will be publicized to G.A.H.A. members the week following the nominations
Article VI: Election Procedures
6.1 Election of the Executive Committee
a. Each member of G.A.H.A., as defined in Article III of the Constitution, shall receive one ballot on his/her Ingall’s Library shelf.
b. Members shall have 5 full days to complete their ballot.
c. The ballots shall be collected at a general meeting of the G.A.H.A.
d. The voting process must be completed no later than the last day of March
e. Members wanting to vote by absentee ballot must contact the Executive Committee a minimum of 5 days before the ballots are distributed
f. A minimum of three members of the Executive Committee shall be present during the tabulation of the election results
g. Election winners will be notified prior to releasing the results to the remaining members
h. In case of a tie that would result in more than three co-chairs, the Executive Committee and Faculty Advisor will consult to determine a process for final selection of the executive committee
i. The newly elected officers shall serve under the previous year’s officers until the last day of classes in May.
6.2 Elected and Appointed Committee Representatives and Chairpersons
Under the consultation of the Faculty Advisor, the Executive Committee shall determine the methods by which students shall be elected and appointed.
Article VII: Addendum to Article V and VI:
7.1 This inaugural constitution hereby outlines policies adopted by the association
for the 2004-2005 academic school year. Since there is no precedent for G.A.H.A. the 3 co-founders shall comprise the Executive Committee of G.A.H.A. without an election as set forth in Article VI.
7.2 Upon the election of the 2005-2006 Executive Committee Members in March
of 2005, this Addendum will hereby be removed from the constitution.
Article VIII: Meetings and Conduct of Business
Any meeting or portion of a meeting may be designated as closed to faculty by the Executive Committee. In addition, the executive committee may run the meetings in any way they feel appropriate but reserve the right to invoke Roberts Rules of Order at anytime.
8.1 General Meetings: It is intended that G.A.H.A. shall hold regular meetings once a month during the academic semester. The Secretary shall send written notice to the members concerning the time and place at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting and display the announcement of the meeting where deemed appropriate. The Secretary shall send a reminder to members’ twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meetings.
8.2 Special Meetings: The Executive Committee shall call special meetings when deemed necessary. The Secretary shall notify all members at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the meeting concerning the date, time, place, and reason for the special meetings
8.3 Committee Meetings: Each elected committee chairperson should meet with their committee at least once a month and report the committee’s activities at every general meeting
8.4 Executive Committee Meetings: The Executive Committee shall meet once a month or more as necessary. The meeting shall be open although portions may be designated as closed sessions. Minutes from this meeting will be made available to the G.A.H.A. at the general meeting.
Article IX: Amendment to the By-laws
9.1 These bylaws will be reviewed on a yearly basis by the Executive Committee and faculty advisor and other interested G.A.H.A. members
9.2 Amendments to the By-laws will be reviewed by members of G.A.H.A. and require a majority approval by the members. Any amendment that receives approval shall become effective immediately or as specified by the members.
9.3 These bylaws will be made available for all members upon request